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For Sale

Valais Blacknose sheep are a new breed of sheep to Australia with the first purebred lambs being born in the country in 2021. 

What should you expect to pay for Valais Blacknose sheep?  

We have included a guide below so that new buyers are aware of what they generally should expect to pay, however these prices may vary between breeders. Prices listed below are ex GST. 

Prices depend on whether the animal is purebred, or is a part of the breed-up program (sheep that are 48% or greater Valais ancestry) . All animals registered with Valais Blacknose Australia are DNA verified to prove their Valais ancestry.  Please ensure that stock is DNA verified and can be registered by the breeder before purchasing.

Price guide (ex GST):

Breed Up

48-71.9% ewes (F1) are currently selling for $4000 – $6,000. 
72-83.9% ewes (F2) are selling from $8,000-$10,000
84-89.9% ewes (F3) are selling for $12-$15,000

Pricing for ewes within the breed-up program is heavily dependent on correct markings as noted in the breed standard.  

  • All ram lambs regardless of markings from F1-F4 will be castrated (wethers).
  • Pricing for wethers ranges from $500 for F1 up to $5000 for some purebred wethers. 
  • Please scroll down to see available Breed-up animals for sale

Pure Valais

Purebred animals with full parental verification are selling for $25,000 for lambs and upwards for some mature stock. Markings, fleece and conformation will affect pricing. Only correctly marked rams may be registered for breeding.


Semen straws sell for between $600 and $1000 depending on origin and genetics.  

Frozen Embryos sell for between $7,000 and $10,000  

Embryos confirmed in lamb sell for between $13,000 and $15,000

The animals and genetics advertised below are listed by known breeder members of Valais Blacknose Australia Ltd. 

Valais Blacknose Australia can verify the breeder but makes no representation about the sheep offered and plays no part in the private sale of sheep.

Please contact breeders directly to find out more information about their advertisement.

Purebred Purebred Sheep for Sale

For Sale

Australian Breed Up (Grade) Australian Breed Up Sheep for Sale

For Sale

Genetics Frozen Embryos and Semen

For Sale